Monday, March 7, 2011

What I Already Miss About Ottawa

(Written in the Ottawa Airport)

Family dinners
Hanging out with Aïsha, Zachary, Karen and Salah
Laura, Annika, Marla, Michel, Zainub and Naren, Jeca, Briana, Heather, Maggie and David, Maureen, Peter
Bank, Elgin, and Rideau/Somerset/Wellington/Richmond (the street with four names) — 80% of everything in Ottawa is located on these three streets

How quick and easy it is to get around the city (once I learned the maze)
Holding Willow, and experiencing her learning how to walk and talk
Running with Gillian, Nicole, Ray, Hammy, and JF
Skating on the Rideau Canal
All the great live music

Not having to ask for a key for the public washrooms
Gatineau Park - the place to hike, ski, snowshoe, camp, picnic, kayak, swim, etc. all within 10 to 40 minutes of downtown
Domus Café, which I faithfully visit once every time I’m in Ottawa
Date squares at Bridgehead

Going to popular places without having any line-ups or crowds or waiting an hour to get in

The handy household compost bins provided by the city
Snow (but not the ice or slush)

Cheek kisses, which I was just learning how to do
Walks, teas, and outings with Peppy. Definitely what I miss the very most.

Copyright © 2011 Lynn Thorsell, All rights reserved.